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Wednesday, 11 May 2011

09-11-May-2011 - Open WAR IN UKIP Silence from Tim CONGDON!

 09-11-May-2011 - Open WAR IN UKIP Silence from Tim CONGDON!


in the light of the withering attack on the patently obvious incompetence of Nigel Farage MEP as the leader of UKIP and the utterly incompetent team he had gathered around him as displayed by the catastrophic failure on virtually every fron in the local elections.

There was a total silence from Prof. Tim Congdon - in declaration of support of either Marta Andreasen's long predicted betrayal and denunciation of UKIP for her own personal interests - nor was there any intervention in support of Nigel Farage MEP who also seemed to be acting in his own personal interests.

To view the first news of Marta Andreasen's public press release:
Monday 09-May-2011 CLICK HERE 

My thoughts were published at the time:

it would seem that in a moment of self interest Marta Andreasen, Nigel Farage's pet project who he cheated and lied to place on UKIP MEP selection list has seen an opportunity for personal gain.

Will we shortly see hired hands march in to do battle wielding super injunctions ;-)

Whether this is an opportunistic move to join the EPP on her part, where she would benefit from membership of a larger group and more resources, where she would immediately be a Vice President as leader of a National Group in the composite as so far the EPP lacks a British flag - this then to raise her profile as a reformer in the EU so as to step across ensuring her election next time with the center right Spanish Group.


This is a piece of delicate gambling where the Lib.Dims. may well be courting her to join their ALDI Group to curry favour with a hint of pretend Scepticism by capturing a UKIP scalp - which would not only enhance their group but also improve their credentials with many a EUroSceptic Tory MP or even voter.


Marta Andreasen has made this move in her own interest alone as with her earlier venal actions and dishonest claims.

Clearly her move in such a public manner is a product not of improving UKIP and its footing but her own as she is reveilled by too many in the party who have seen through her antics and note her untrustworthy, self serving dishonesty.

Some by now may have read her novella which she has used UKIP to exploit and market yet others may well have read the series of Court Cases that have consistently found against her. Some may have noted her series of departures - all too often under a cloud and others may have watched her trapped like a rabbit in headlights in her interview by Tim Sebastian which exposed her fake background and CV!

Already Farage - who is a consumate performer but utterly bereft of Officer Qualities and without leadership skills or judgement - has lost 25% of his MEPs leaving him to his racist, anti Jewish, Xenophobic, violent anti homosexual pro EU membership reformist EFD Group.

It looks as if he could loose at least 3 more if they are not as gonadically challenged as they seem and now Andreasen is clearly making a personal interest power play to position herself.

Let us watch wait and see who blinks first!

Farage has already sent in his Press Office and his puppet chairman - Let Battle Commence:

But I must say I believe the Oxus River was more spectacular and both Sorahb & Rhustum more intriguing :-)


For details of Marta Andreasen's Betrayal & its Prediction CLICK HERE
For more information on Marta Andreasen CLICK HERE
To additionally research use >SEARCH< at the top of the Right Hand Side Bar at:

For the bulk of the background to this denunciation and an article by The BBC
Still total silence from Tim CONGDON!

Then on Wednesday-11-May-2011 Roger Knapman the retired MEP & past leader of UKIP who led the party to some 30,000 members and from 3 to 12 MEPs figures he passed on to Nigel Farage who by din't of dishonesty and corruption was placed as the new leader - promptly alienating and losing the support of MEPs one of which he had lied to and another he lied about - Just as there was a departure from The NEC of fundamentally competent and honest individuals who wanted no part of the corruption that became increasingly apparent.

This led in turn to a collapse in real terms of membership to a figure that at one time was seemingly around 10,000.

Roger Knapman did NOT join in the condemnation of Farage but re-issued a statement he had made when he quit membership of Farage's odious claque in the Pan EU EFD Political Group unwilling to support anti Judaism, racism, violent anti homosexuality and a pro EU membership reformist stance in betrayal of the core principles of UKIP activists and members of patriotic integrity - he also renounced the EU centric self serving and self enriching betrayal of the electorate.

This announcement was a re-affirmation of his principles made AFTER the election so as not to disturb the electorate.

being a retired Leader he approached Nikki Sinclaire or a member of her staff to distribute/publish his statement.

Unfortunately a junior in Sinclaire's office sent the mail out over her contact data for press contact - when I posted this and subsequently it was posted on Junius Blog an EU employee phoned John West, who was known to be in touch with me to ask if he could contact me to request redaction of the personal and irrelevant contact data - this I did and contacted Junius as requested who also promptly removed it. I had some difficulty contacting BDF but eventually (it took a littel longer) they too redacted the error.

This detail can be seen at CLICK HERE

This takes us to Wednesday 11-May-2011 and still no sound from Tim Congdon.
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
#08 Middle Street, Chepstow, NP16 5ET, Monmouthshire, United Kingdoms.
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

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