
UKIP-vs-EUkip CLICK The Pic. for travel!

Thursday, 12 May 2011

12-May-2011 - UKIP's first Support from Prof Tim CONGDON as tampered with!

12-May-2011 - UKIP's first Support from Prof Tim CONGDON as tampered with!


amateur hour became more than apparent within the unprofessional and clearly incompetent UKIP leadership as the aim of a leadership is first to find a competent leader and then build a team of the best and most competent in the Party and those who are loyal to THE PARTY and not themselves and the promotion of the Party performing monkey when the Party clearly and desperately need a competent leader with the ability to team build and put in place vision, strategy, structure, probity, training and clear morality and probity to LEAD forward the aims of THE PARTY.

Finally we have a brief extract from an 'e'Mail, we subsequently discover was requested of him in some desperation which is 'cut' and doctored for publication by an untrustworthy UKIP Leadership toady, to provide the right spin and it clearly damns with feint praise even in this condition.

To view the posting of the attempted rebuttal of Marta Andresen's press release sent privately to her on the morning of Thursday 12-May-2011 and then unprofessionally deliberately leaked by Mr. Amateur Hour - the author!

Also to view the selected phrases posted from Tim Congdon's letter:

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
#08 Middle Street, Chepstow, NP16 5ET, Monmouthshire, United Kingdoms.
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

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